WebAdmin allows administrators to securely manage MDaemon,
RelayFax, and WorldClient from anywhere in the world. This convenient
remote administration tool is FREE of charge and is a separate download. |
Searching Support
Search capability was added to alias, mailing, and user listings. |
Support For Multiple Languages
Added language support for Finish, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Italian,
and Hungarian. |
Improved Account Editing
The ability to edit an account"s MultiPOP settings has been added. |
Improved Alias Editing
Global administrators can now edit aliases. |
Viewing Account as Global Administrator
When logged in as a Global Administrator, accounts using NT authentication
will show the authenticating domain. |
Restricted Alias Names
Added the ability to have restricted alias names. |
Subscribing to a Mailing List
Subscribing a new user to a mailing list now sends the "new list member
email" to that user if the list has one. |
Theme Support
Basic support for themes added to WebAdmin. |
Superior Web Based Configuration for MDaemon
WebAdmin allows you to edit many more of MDaemon"s configuration settings
than WebConfig did. |
Next Generation Functionality
WebAdmin offers new possibilities for web based access to our products. |